Now..have you ever felt that it is time for more privacy with your wife or girlfriend???
Use this tips,and don't forget it is not everything in thoose stuffs that someone else has done,,,and that you are copiing now,you have to bring your self in thoose things,to bring your feelings in,,because that is the thing that makes that moment so special. So here you go:
1. Take her on a dinner. Pick up some romantic restaurant..or something unussuall, but don't let your look of her, because that will make her feel special, and your idea has to work!
2. When you make love,light up some candels, and make them as many as that number will have some meaning in your rellationship,and after tell her... But don't make love as you ussually do, make some inovations....
3. Here are some inovations:
- kiss her for a long time,,and every little tell her what she means to you;
- kiss her all over her body,and watch what she likes the most;
- be so genntle as you're gonna break her if don't be so gennnntle, this is the most important, and she will see that you like her much;
- let her to take you inside of her,,,
I hope something will have effect...;D
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