Have you ever been put on waiting?? Just like thath she/he tels you that she/he needs time to think about everything.... i know you have,cause there is no such person that hasn't pass that period.... being passive or active in " this thing".
It is pretty ugly feeling to wait and to live knowing anything...
But have you ever asked yourself what is she thinking about,,or he??
Here is one thing that you should know: Even that person that putted you on wait doesn't know the answer...
Unfortunatelly it's like that in 99% of cases! Than you ask your self why does she/he need that time????!!!!!
Well, the answer is simple she/he want's to see what it would be living without you,,,and what you feel!!! Thats right,this period is for testing your feelings and not hers/his! So what you need to do in this moment is to stay cool, not to be borring and unpatient!! Remember we all like to manipulate with someone,and when we see that we can manipulate with someone, we use that chance...and ussually with overreacting!!! So do not let anyone to manipulate with you, even though you love that person! If you lett that to your loving person she may mix all of her feelings,I want say that that is the sign that she/he doesn't loves you, but the fact that she/he can manipulate with you, will bring her in the wrong direction that shows you exectly that,that she/he doesn't loves you....it's a little bit mixed but i hope you will understand!!
So the best way to get out of the crisis is to stay cool and wait,,I know its hard and every day you wait more it will be harder!!!
But you need to stay focused on your target..on the meaning of your relationship,,esspecially if you love your partner,,you need to have in mind that this coolnes is for a good of your relationship, and that will bring you a large use!!
So i wish you all best, and one more thing.... You probably asked yourself but what if she/he doesn't come back to me, because of my coolnes???! Well if she/he loves you and care about you little more, than she/he will come back for sure, if not... well there can't be love,and you should not to be sorry.... Destiny will bring you someone else that will know how to love you and show you his/hers feelings!!!
So good luck!!! ;D