srijeda, 23. veljače 2011.

LOVE IN REWIND by Dino Merlin

One to a hundred multiiplied by you
It all looks great, it all looks cool
Healthy children go to school
My daughter's in love, my son loves, too
Oh, in the surface, oh in the distance
It's all the same
Oh, in the darkness, oh don't you notice
What a different game
If you take this life from me away
Tear it up and bury me away
You'll just find two, three songs of mine
Hundred worries of mine
Your love, your love in rewind
You'll just find two, three songs of mine
And all your love in rewind (Sito)
One to a hundred multiplied by two
It's less about me, it's less about you
We keep on running from certainty
But don't know where to run from reality
If you take this life from me today
Tear it up and bury me away
You'll just find two, three songs of mine
Hundred worries of mine
Your love, your love in rewind
You'll just find two, three songs of mine
Hundred worries of mine
And all your love
Kad se moj život malo prosije
Pa na vrhu ostane najkrkupnije...

srijeda, 17. ožujka 2010.

One good suggestion!

A day before i watched one movie...some romantic comedy, in which two people are in love ( which is normal for those kind of movies :D) but they don't want to admit that to each other. But they do all this weird things making each other more nervous, like using psychology to manipulate with each other. I am sure that everyone of you has been in the same situation, or at least in analogously situation. But have you ever asked yourself why are you doing this??? I mean, we all want to keep this person closer to us,,,but what is the real reason??? What is the "behind" reason of those actions?
Well, it depends from person to person to know what is the real "real" reason. But...but...hold there... there is one thing in common for all of us! Yes i know, and you know that there is not a single one person with the same behaviour and same reasons for doing something.... but this one is the same, just like many other deep and behind reasons which are disclosing us as week and manipulative people!! People who are going to do everything just to have power and strings in their hands!!! That is the "behind" reason!!! The reason we do all those stupid things with psychology and playing with someones fillings... But in the end we understand that our partner means us much more from this power and manipulation!!! in real love there is no need for such things, there is no need for power, for strings and psychology, and all should realize that! Love has no limits, and so there is no need for power and for a chef on the front...cause there are no fronts.... As soon as you realize that you don't have to play on that way, the faster you will improve your love and life! By the way, you will spear your self of the "beging" humiliation... on the end of the film, when he realized she is playing with him and his feelings he cut her off his life...and she came to beg for being stupid and blind, and trying to set those fronts and chef on them! THE FIRST THING YOU HAVE TO POWER UP AND CONTROL IT IS YOU!

četvrtak, 11. ožujka 2010.

It's been a wile

I haven't wrote for long now....but i have a big problem now the thing is that i have found a love of my life and i am sure in that now more than ever!!! So i have started a campaign that you can see on the is about helping me and my girl to put the crown on our relationship after long five years.... We don't have conditions for that,and we are so in love. My country is pour and there is no job, so it is not possible to get the job. I am working, but the salary is small, and on the top of everything i pay the rent for loving, which is almost half of my salary. I hope this campaign will have effect and that there are people who will help us....and be a part of our success!!

četvrtak, 5. veljače 2009.

Have you ever been put on waiting?? Just like thath she/he tels you that she/he needs time to think about everything.... i know you have,cause there is no such person that hasn't pass that period.... being passive or active in " this thing".

It is pretty ugly feeling to wait and to live knowing anything...

But have you ever asked yourself what is she thinking about,,or he??

Here is one thing that you should know: Even that person that putted you on wait doesn't know the answer...

Unfortunatelly it's like that in 99% of cases! Than you ask your self why does she/he need that time????!!!!!

Well, the answer is simple she/he want's to see what it would be living without you,,,and what you feel!!! Thats right,this period is for testing your feelings and not hers/his! So what you need to do in this moment is to stay cool, not to be borring and unpatient!! Remember we all like to manipulate with someone,and when we see that we can manipulate with someone, we use that chance...and ussually with overreacting!!! So do not let anyone to manipulate with you, even though you love that person! If you lett that to your loving person she may mix all of her feelings,I want say that that is the sign that she/he doesn't loves you, but the fact that she/he can manipulate with you, will bring her in the wrong direction that shows you exectly that,that she/he doesn't loves's a little bit mixed but i hope you will understand!!

So the best way to get out of the crisis is to stay cool and wait,,I know its hard and every day you wait more it will be harder!!!

But you need to stay focused on your target..on the meaning of your relationship,,esspecially if you love your partner,,you need to have in mind that this coolnes is for a good of your relationship, and that will bring you a large use!!

So i wish you all best, and one more thing.... You probably asked yourself but what if she/he doesn't come back to me, because of my coolnes???! Well if she/he loves you and care about you little more, than she/he will come back for sure, if not... well there can't be love,and you should not to be sorry.... Destiny will bring you someone else that will know how to love you and show you his/hers feelings!!!

So good luck!!! ;D

utorak, 3. veljače 2009.

How to know what she thinks,and what she feels??? Let me help you, a little, here are some signs that will lead you:

1. Willingness to sacrifice
If a woman loves you she has the willingness to sacrifice. There are things that people will not do for anyone but the people that they love. Look for things that differentiate how your woman treats you and how she treats other people in her life. Are you one of the priorities? Do you come first before her friends? Does she do things for you that she would not do for other people? These are keys on how special you really are to her? Has she sacrificed some things just to be with you? These are the things that indicate just how special you are to her.

2. Worry-wart
Some women may not say much but they worry for the safety of the people they love. This is one way to know if a woman loves you. When what you do affects them in some way, this means that you matter in their lives. This is one of the most obvious signs of love in a person because you care enough to worry for their safety. You can tell if a woman loves you if she worries for your safety.

3. Jealousy
Although jealousy may not necessarily be a good thing when you think about it, a hint of it is a sign that a person is into you. There is jealousy if a woman loves you. A dose of jealousy is actually healthy to a relationship as it validates feelings and reassures the partner that the other is afraid of losing you to someone else. Of course too much of it can also be detrimental. Learn to balance and solve jealousy issues immediately.

But still, as many heads that is the number of opinions,,,it may not work on some, just on 99,99 percent of them, hope yours wife isn't in theese 00,01 percents! ;D

You gott to know a few things about men's feelings, and how to read them,,,so i hope this will be interesting to you:

Body language is exactly what it sounds like; the language your body speaks. According to Wikipedia, body language a term used to refer to the movements your body makes, intentional and unintentional, instead of verbal communication to show your feeling. Most of the movements our bodies make are based on reflexes and impulses. These movements are different for each and every individual. But, you can make an educated guess and know how to read men's body language to know if he's interested in you.

1) His Face
This is the most important part of the body. Usually, the face is the first to show emotions than any other part of you. If a guy is interested in you, in most cases, he'll be nervous and shy. These are the emotions his body will convey and you can learn on how to interpret his emotions by just watching his face.
First, is he facing you directly? If he is, then he's assured and confident in talking to you. In that case, if he's interested in you, he's pretty sure that he can woo you. If he's looking somewhere else when talking to you, that can be translated in several ways.
He could be really nervous and that means he lacks self-confidence in talking to you. That shows he's interested in you. Or, he could be insincere in his intentions. No eye contact in a conversation can denote that he is lying, especially if his whole face is looking elsewhere.
A man interested in you will have his whole body facing yours during conversation. If he's confident, then he'll be making eye contact and will watch your mouth to listen carefully to the words you're saying. If he's not self-assured, he'll be looking away when you speak to him, but will not change his position. That means he's interested but unsure on how to start his attempts.

2) His Hands
Sometimes, guys can really keep an expressionless face. So, checking his face for emotions can't work here. So, how to read men's body language to know if he's interested in you? His face can't give you clues; so move on to the next best thing - his hands.
Hands are a great indicator of how we feel about something or somebody. If you keep checking your watch and tapping your finger; that means you're bored. If you keep touching you face, especially your nose; then you're lying. If you stroke your chin, you're passing judgment. In short, a man's hands can tell you a lot of things.
Too find out if a man is attracted to you, try talking to him and observe his hands. Ask him certain questions to see if his hands will correlate with his words. If he's touching his face when he's talking to you, he might be lying or not speaking the whole truth. If he keeps scratching his head and hair, it means he's feeling doubt over his answers to your questions. If he keeps tugging at his collar or wiping his sweaty hands on his clothes, he is uncomfortable talking to you.

3) His Posture
His stance is the easiest way in knowing how to read men's body language to know if he is interested in you. If he got his hands on his hips, he feels superior to you. You wouldn't want a guy like that, even if he's interested in you. If his shoulders are slouched and sluggish, then he has low self-esteem.
The prime example of one's body expressing one's feelings is if he's leaning towards you. That means he has a certain inclination towards you and wants to get intimate. If he is leaning away, then you have got the wrong man.
As said before, everyone's body has different ways to express themselves. You cannot take for granted that a particular action shows a specific feeling. You just have to know his character well and be patient.

Hope you gonna cacth the help of this! ;D

What is love??? Try to find out:

The four letter word is the most widely used and I might also say abused in the world today. It flows so effortlessly through the lips of men and women. It is thrown so carelessly even where it is not necessary. Sometimes it makes me think there is no definite definition of this word. It depends on the context in which the word has been used. The definition of love is at a persons discretion. But what is love? It is subject to debate because there are many types of love. It depends with the perspective from which you are looking at it. Maybe you are a Christian and what has been drummed into you is agape love from the gospels. What about the love that you feel or have towards a sibling? I hope you are also not forgetting the so called love that is said to bring a man and a woman together.
When a man sees a woman for the first time, and he is attracted to that woman it is said it is love at first sight. But the better phrase to use would be it was lust at first sight. This is the most correct assessment especially of such a scenario. The male species in a human being is still an animal and is always looking for potential females to mate with. It is sex that attracts a man to woman but not love. what is love? Love means something different to man. To him having sex with a woman is paramount and it does not mean that he loves that woman. This is the reason why a man is genetically polygamous. There is nothing like love, it is the power of the loin that is attractive. How else does a man manage to have several wives and lovers hanging at the fringes?
Love is an illusion, it is a creation of the mind. What makes us believe there is love is simply because we do not want to change the status quo. It is a tradition passed from generation to generation and who are we to break these tradition? We were brought up believing in the concept of love. We grew up in a society where the word love was being thrown right, left and center with so much abandon. It is entrenched in our minds that yes, there is love. But have you ever sat down and pondered about is? Have you ever asked yourself what is love? And do you believe in it? Do not start biting your finger nails or scratching your head over the issue, it might go bald it it is not already bald.
The so called love that is so much hyped up is only a temporarily infatuation. People keep on falling in and out of "love". People fall out because infatuation is a temporary feeling and once it is worn out everything is over between the two of you. It must be understood that no love was involved. There is a very big misconception of the true meaning of love. Love is used as an escape goat so that people can indulge in their fantasies. What is love? Love is kindness stretched over a long period of time. It is the best way to put it.

I wan't say that you have to accept this, but it may help you to figer it out!