A day before i watched one movie...some romantic comedy, in which two people are in love ( which is normal for those kind of movies :D) but they don't want to admit that to each other. But they do all this weird things making each other more nervous, like using psychology to manipulate with each other. I am sure that everyone of you has been in the same situation, or at least in analogously situation. But have you ever asked yourself why are you doing this??? I mean, we all want to keep this person closer to us,,,but what is the real reason??? What is the "behind" reason of those actions?
Well, it depends from person to person to know what is the real "real" reason. But...but...hold there... there is one thing in common for all of us! Yes i know, and you know that there is not a single one person with the same behaviour and same reasons for doing something.... but this one is the same, just like many other deep and behind reasons which are disclosing us as week and manipulative people!! People who are going to do everything just to have power and strings in their hands!!! That is the "behind" reason!!! The reason we do all those stupid things with psychology and playing with someones fillings... But in the end we understand that our partner means us much more from this power and manipulation!!! in real love there is no need for such things, there is no need for power, for strings and psychology, and all should realize that! Love has no limits, and so there is no need for power and for a chef on the front...cause there are no fronts.... As soon as you realize that you don't have to play on that way, the faster you will improve your love and life! By the way, you will spear your self of the "beging" humiliation... on the end of the film, when he realized she is playing with him and his feelings he cut her off his life...and she came to beg for being stupid and blind, and trying to set those fronts and chef on them! THE FIRST THING YOU HAVE TO POWER UP AND CONTROL IT IS YOU!