it really doesn't mather if you are alone,or you have someone,,deep down you are inloved,even if you don't know this yet,,there is a secret barried in your soul,in your heart, and mind.... we do not know about it,at the time when you don't have someone..but when you find someone she comes out like a snike,crawling on every inch of your body....
BUt the fact is that ... you are probably asking what if there is someone that came to my life,and not that person that i love know,would i love that other person as same as this now????
The answer,,is,,, no! why?? Well there is something called destiny,,, and this love that you are wearing in you,,is working on the princip of, let me make comparation with the door and the key...so take one door for examp.and they are standing right there in front of you ( let us take that the doors are your love that is standing in side of you,,or just a way to your love if it's easier for you),,and you have let's say a houndreads of keys( wich are persons)...so you are trying to open them,one by one,,,and on the end none of them fits!!!??? they have tried and didn't made.... as you have wen't out and been with 10, 50, or 100 women,and none of them have'nt been the right one,none of them made you feel something special... so the love is there standing still, just like the doors! sodoor are standing, and there is an other person in front of them,,and even if you have had a houndreads and thousands of keys,,,now that person has only one.........
she puts it inside the door,and she hasn't even thurned it on any side....the doors haven't openned,,,no...they crashed down!!! you are probably asking why is that,i mean why crashed why didnt they just opened....i mean the key was the right one...but..love couldn't wait anymore..cause she knew that it was the right one,,she didn't had to turn the key. And the love hadn't patiente any more,cause there where a thousands of keys,and when they looked the right one they simply crashed, they have forgot all of the rools....
Now, have you ever asked your self, when you once had a right love, why is none other the same,or just near as goog as that right one.... ??? Well it's because door have been brooken,remember!?